
REMplenish and Singing

Friday, March 29, 2024 by Billy Roberts | Singing

Within the past year I have found several ways to keep my throat in better shape so that the upper register comes more naturally without more exercise than should be necessary. Over the years, I have found that daily use of the Lütgen high voice exercises is the best way to keep my upper range in shape, but these past few months especially I’ve seen the benefits of freeing up tension at the root of the tongue. Letting go of that tension allows me to lighten my voice and have a fuller range of dynamics for high G and A-flat, notes that have occasionally felt forced or difficult to reach.


I received a new tool several weeks ago that promotes good breathing, posture, and tongue placement, and using it is as simple as taking a drink of water. The tool that I am referring to is a REMplenish bottle. For years I have dealt with excess tension at the root of the tongue. In the past, this has at times caused my external throat muscles to be unnecessarily engaged and has even caused neck and shoulder issues. In working through these issues, I have developed better posture for piano, horn, and voice.


The REMplenish bottle is a 32 ounce water bottle with their patented Myo-Nozzle system, which incorporates a myofunctional therapy device into the straw. The high quality bottle is easy to use but requires pressing the tongue against the roof of the mouth in order to take a sip. It is recommended to drink one to two full bottles daily to gain the most benefit. Even if you seem to gain no benefit from it, this is still a well-built water bottle that is dishwasher safe. A special brush is included for handwashing the straw.


I have noticed dramatic improvement in my own singing over the past few weeks as I’ve used this bottle, namely that I need less time to warm up. I’m also experiencing better sleep because I fall asleep more easily and wake up less often during the night. Over the past few weeks, as I’ve used the REMplenish bottle, I have gradually felt less stress throughout the day. Taking a drink from the bottle is in itself very relaxing if I am conscious of letting go of any tension at the root of the tongue or in the neck and shoulders as I drink from this bottle.


Although I was a bit skeptical at first, mainly due to a lack of reviews from anywhere other than the REMplenish website, I am very glad that I decided to go ahead and order this bottle. Since using it, I have had better breathing through the nose. It has helped me to be more aware of good head, neck and spine alignment. I have also been amazed at how well it has helped my tongue to work correctly. By getting the tongue out of the way so that I can sing without engaging the muscles in my neck, this bottle has helped me take one step further into freeing up my voice.